How to Purchase Garlic

Purchasing information for the 2024 season is coming soon!

Garlic varieties we grow and love

Susan Marie

Cultivar: Hardneck | Group: Porcelain | Flavor Notes: Floral, Lemon | Heat Index: Mild

Great used with: Enjoy raw in pesto and dressing. Add to lighter sauces toward the end of cooking for a bright flavor.


Cultivar: Hardneck | Group: Porcelain | Flavor Notes: Earthy | Heat Index: Mild

Great used with: Roasted Vegetables, anything with mushrooms


Cultivar: Hardneck | Group: Porcelain | Flavor Notes: Clean, classic garlic | Heat Index: Medium

Great used with: This is your versatile, classic flavor. Use it in all your favorite dishes!

German Extra Hardy

Cultivar: Hardneck | Group: Porcelain | Flavor Notes: Robust, umami, nutty | Heat Index: Medium-Hot

Great used with: Garlic bread, Italian food, robust sauces where you want the garlic flavor to shine

Romanian Red

Cultivar: Hardneck | Group: Porcelain | Flavor Notes: Grassy, vegetal, green pepper, jalapeno | Heat Index: Hot

Great used with: This shines in salsa & bright sauces!


Email order inquiries to

Please state the variety and quantity you are interested in, as well as whether you’d like to pick up or have your order shipped.