Around the farm

White gothic classic agricultural barn

Original gothic style barn built in 1941. This is slowly being restored to continue it’s life as the hub of our farm.

Cover crop mix with small white flowers classic farm quonset

Regenerating the soil with the help of a multi-species cover crop mix containing Radish, Vetch, Flax, Crimson Clover, Oats, Sunn Hemp & Forage Peas. We use regenerative cover crops every year as part of our garlic rotation.

minnesota hardneck garlic plants garlic scapes

Rows and rows of garlic plants, with delicious scapes just starting to appear. Each plant has a head of garlic at it’s base. Each leaf represents one layer of ‘paper’ on the head of garlic.

Rice Lake shoreline Paynesville Minnesota Natural shoreline

Rice Lake, in Paynesville, Minnesota, borders the farm.

In the mid-ground of this photo is the start of our 60+ acre wetland. This wetland is the barrier which supports the local wildlife, enhances diversity, improves water quality, and protects the shoreline.